You’re Blocking Your Own Blessings

You’re Blocking Your Own Blessings

As-salam alaikum my beautiful sis!

I hope this meets you in the best of iman and health in sha Allah.

I was on a discovery call with a life coach once, and I told her about some of the dreams and ideas Allah had inspired me with. I knew I could achieve them by the will of Allah, these dreams were so thrilling that my heart was bursting with excitement. But like many others, I had so many fears, anxiety, and reservations, that it made those dreams seem far-fetched and impossible. Sis, you know what she said to me? She said, “You need to get out of your way”.

Okay, I was shook, humbled, amazed - all in a good way. I didn’t expect those words, but I needed those words. I’m truly grateful and glad she said them to me, that Allah inspired her to say them to me because she was right, I truly needed to get out of my way. If I didn’t, you really wouldn’t be reading this newsletter right now. They’ll be sitting in the archives of mind, harbouring nothing but empty wishes and unfulfilled desires. Tifah & Co. may not be a thing, much less a thought, and Allah knows best if it would have been. Those words were exactly what I needed to hear then, so, here I am, relaying those exact words to you. Sis, you need to get out of your way.

We need to realise that we’re servants of Allah, the Most High. We are instruments in His grand plan, pieces of His puzzle. Yes, Allah acts without a means sometimes, but, Allah also acts through a means at other times. What does that mean? That means He uses us, His servants, to bring about new situations. So, when we give in to our fears and our worries, we’re only resisting submitting to Allah.

Whatever you’re inspired to do, trust that Allah has equipped you with everything you need to achieve it. It’s in your Qadr, you were born to do it. Fear is a strong emotion that shaytan loves to capitalise on. Fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of inadequacy, fear of the unknown; we fear so many things that we don’t even know what life looks like without it. Fear holds us back from experiencing Allah’s blessings in its entirety and goodness. Fear blocks your reception of the blessings always destined for you.

It is counterproductive to simply ignore fear. To expect it to just go away simply because you’re forcing yourself not to feel it. Fear is natural, it’s human nature. Allow yourself to feel scared, to feel vulnerable, to feel unsure. Feel the fear sis, and do it anyway. Sometimes, fear doesn’t mean that we aren’t capable of doing that task. Fear could be an indication that the task we’re carrying out is much bigger than we anticipated; it is bigger than ourselves. Acknowledging your fear creates room for acceptance of one’s self - accepting that you’re only human.

But, what if you don’t have to hold on to fear? What if instead of letting it seep into your heart, you acknowledge it, accept it, and then choose to let it go? Fear has no place in your life. So, why choose to hold on to it? You have a mission, a purpose to fulfil sis. Your fear should drive you, not halt you. You don’t know how many people you’re holding up just because you keep holding on to fear and giving in to your doubts. How would you know, love, and experience the many beautiful blessings Allah has in store for you, if you keep blocking them with your fears and reservations? Your fears will only cause you to self-sabotage. So, let go of allowing them to dictate how you act, how you live, and how you navigate your dreams.

Oh, and please, stop blocking your own blessings.

With love,


Founder, Tifah & Co.